Online booking portal

For fast and secure online bookings, mlcoa is powered by medEbridge®

At mlcoa, we understand our customers’ need for fast, easy and secure access to our expert medical services. That’s why our online booking portal is medEbridge®.

medEbridge® is a secure online platform that connects businesses with healthcare providers. It allows our customers to order, track and manage their independent medical opinion referrals from mlcoa.

Via medEbridge®, mlcoa customers can:

Search and compare mlcoa’s extensive national network of medical specialists and services to make an informed choice

Select medical specialists and services, with live availability for fast and efficient access to provider bios and CVs to ensure the right fit for your needs

Track the status and progress of requests and communicate directly with our customer service team

Exchange information, share supporting evidence, receive invoicing and final reports in a standardised and secure way

Secure technology

The privacy and protection of sensitive health information is at the forefront of our booking platform. medEbridge® has been developed with a strong focus on the secure handling of sensitive health information. It adheres to the Australian Privacy Principles and the Victorian Health Records Act. medEbridge® is certified as operating an Information Security Management System (ISMS) that complies with ISO27001:2013. It also uses Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) to further protect sensitive health information.

Reduce your carbon footprint

mlcoa online booking portal supports your company’s paperless office initiatives by enabling your files to be conveniently downloaded.

You can learn more about medEbridge® via the website.

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Want access to mlcoa powered by medEbridge?

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